Ministries of First Lutheran Church

Following Jesus, Loving All

  • How do we live out our faith?

    First Lutheran Church truly believes that we're called to "follow Jesus and love all." To do this--we believe in creating community that nourishes mind, body and spirit.  

    Reflecting this mission--we have several core missions:

    --Nourishing bodies through the efforts of Feed Galveston--which supports community meals and packs nonperishable meals for those in need.

    --Nourshing minds through Adult Education classes, Women's Ministry, and Family Faith Formation. 

    --Nourishing spirits through joyful worship, community events, and caring for one another as Christ cares for us. 

  • How can I get involved?

    If you're longing for a place to belong, to feel cared for and celebrated just for you who are---come worship and serve with us! 

    It's easy to get involved! Just email the Church Office and we'll get you "in the know" with all our upcoming events and service opportunities. 

  • Where do you volunteer?

    • Once a month we partner with Galveston's Own Farmer's Market to provide a community meal at Access Care of Coastal Texas.
    • Twice a year we host huge nonperishable meal packing events to pack meals for the Galveston County Food Bank. 
    • We host monthly drives for local organizations such as the Seafarer's Center, the VFW, the RCC, and more. 
    • We're always looking for new ways to live out our faith in Jesus. 

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